Support and Resources

Pregnancy Diet

Nutrition is an important component to a healthy pregnancy. Throughout pregnancy, women should avoid fish high in mercury. Approximately two servings of shrimp, salmon or light tuna weekly are advised but sushi is not recommended. Women should also avoid high protein diets like Atkins. Pasteurized cheeses like Brie and Gorgonzola are okay to consume in moderation and one caffeinated drink per day is acceptable.

After the first trimester, to ensure a healthy pregnancy, women should focus on protein and vegetables, and consume fewer carbohydrates. This diet increases energy levels and helps prevent large babies and gestational diabetes. Additionally, balancing carbohydrates and proteins can reduce the risk of stillbirth, neonatal death or having a fetus small for its gestational age. Hoag is your resource for a healthy pregnancy.


Pregnancy Exercise

Regular exercise can help with having a lower risk pregnancy and an overall healthy pregnancy. It decreases the chance of preterm labor and preeclampsia, as well as helps reduce back pain and sleeping issues women often experience during pregnancy.

Prenatal yoga, swimming, walking, stationary bike and the elliptical are all good exercise options during pregnancy. If a patient already has an exercise regimen in place, she can continue her program but should avoid core exercises after 20 weeks. Maximum heart rate is not as important as being able to carry on a conversation while exercising. Sexual intercourse is also healthy throughout the entire pregnancy.

Be sure to consult your doctor for specific questions you may have to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

To learn more about having your baby at Hoag, please visit our Pregnancy page.


Maternal Mental Health Clinic

Hoag Maternal Mental Health Program is dedicated to helping women experiencing mental health conditions before, during and after pregnancy. A collaboration between Pickup Family Neurosciences Institute and Women’s Health Institute, our goal is to ensure healthy outcomes for both mothers and babies.

To learn more about our mental health services.


Postpartum Adjustment Group

Group sessions are being canceled as a precaution to prevent the spread of infection. If you have a life-threatening emergency call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.

For non-urgent matters or to speak with someone about your symptoms, please call one of the following resources:

Hoag Maternal Mental Health Support Line: 949-764-5333

Postpartum Support International: 800-944-4773 or visit

For more information on our support line, please call Hoag’s Maternal Mental Health Support Line at 949-764-5333.


Maternal Mental Health Support Line

This free support line will help connect maternity patients to mental health providers (counselors, psychotherapists, psychiatrists) in the community. If you or a loved one is struggling with depression or anxiety and have a difficult time connecting with mental health resources, please call us directly for assistance. The support line is available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. and voicemails will be answered during those hours of operation. The phone number is 949-764-5333.

For additional online resources.


Mood Disorders During Pregnancy & Childbirth

Postpartum mood changes are common due to the significant hormonal changes that occur immediately following childbirth. In fact, approximately 80% of women experience the “baby blues” – a period of heightened emotional sensitivity and mild depression which occurs within the first 10 days after delivery and may last about 1-2 weeks.

Learn more about mood disorders during pregnancy.


Lactation Support

Hoag OB Education department strives to meet the needs of our expectant and nursing mothers. Hoag’s Breastfeeding Clinic and BabyLine are staffed by registered nurses certified as International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC).

For more information on Lactation Support Services Download the PDF.


Pregnancy & Infant Loss

While there is no right or wrong way to grieve the loss of your baby, Hoag’s Pregnancy and Infant Loss resources may assist you in getting through this difficult time. Through our experience, we have found that it is helpful for parents to come to support groups (Perinatal Loss or Pregnancy After Loss) to be with other bereaved parents and share their story and feelings.

For more information on our Infant Loss Support Group call the Hoag Baby Line 949-764-BABY (2229)

Hoag Maternity Services, Labor & Delivery, and Mother-Baby Unit Virtual Tour