Cost Excellence
The longer you stay at the hospital following a procedure, usually the greater the cost. Since Hoag Center of Excellence in Robotic Surgery (COERS) surgeons perform the majority of hysterectomies using a minimally invasive approach, most of our patients have outpatient procedures, meaning they felt good and their physician said they were well enough to go home within 4 to 24 hours after their procedure.
The graphic below illustrates the number of outpatient minimally invasive hysterectomies performed versus inpatient from 2011 – 2018. As you can see, the total number of minimally invasive procedures increased from 2011 to 2012, leveled off in 20136 and steadily increased again from 2014 to 2018.
*Volume data tracked by Performance Improvement using Midas Software
As stated previously, there are different approaches to minimally invasive surgery – laparoscopic and robotic-assisted. Robotic-assisted surgeries have contributed to our shorter length of stay and provided many patient benefits including fewer complications, less blood loss and faster return to normal activities. Since Hoag has six da Vinci robotic systems (all next-generation Xi robots), we are able to address patient needs in a timely manner. Once you know you need surgery, you will not have a long wait for your actual procedure. As indicated below, the percentage of robotic-assisted hysterectomies from 2011 – 2018 is significantly higher when compared to other minimally invasive approaches such as laparoscopic7.
*Volume data tracked by Performance Improvement using Midas Software
In summary, Hoag Women’s Health Institute and our COERS surgeons are committed to providing you data to help better inform your medical decisions so that you and your family can feel confident and safe in choosing Hoag for minimally invasive hysterectomies.
6 and 7 Midas software, data tracked by Hoag Performance Improvement Department
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