Community Resources for Women's Mental Health

These resources are a compilation of publicly available information about local resources for Mental Health. The list of resources is not exhaustive and is for reference only. While every reasonable effort has been made to include accurate and current information, Hoag cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the information, so please be sure to check your insurance directory for current information on contracted providers or call the provider to confirm insurance eligibility.

In addition, an individual’s or an organization’s inclusion in this resource does not represent an endorsement by Hoag (unless Hoag is expressly providing the service).

Print the full booklet here, or select the section below that best suits your needs.

Mental Health Resources at Hoag

Referral Lines

Reproductive Psychiatrists

Women’s Mental Health Programs in Southern California

Women’s Mental Health Therapists

General Therapists

Helpful Websites for Maternal Mental Health

Home Visitation Programs

General Adult Psychiatrists

Low Cost Counseling

Therapists (CBT/DBT)

TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)