Healthcare the way it should be

Data-driven healthcare with a human touch. Hoag Compass is a preventative wellness program emphasizing lifestyle changes to help you live a longer, healthier life.

Expect more from your doctor’s office

Most doctors treat symptoms. Get more thorough care with comprehensive blood tests, a custom care plan, and a dedicated care team.

Comprehensive labs &
DNA testing

Get your blood and DNA* tested for more than 100 biomarkers. We test more so you can be an expert on your overall health.

*Genetic testing is optional and an additional fee.

Individual care plans

Your health baseline and lab results are the building blocks of your custom care plan. You won’t have to interpret the data yourself—your care team guides you and offers interventions.

A dedicated care team

Meet your team of health cheerleaders. Your Physician, Nurse Practitioner, and Health Coach meet with you regularly to discuss your goals, make optimizations, and more.

Ongoing optimization

Your health is a lifelong journey. Monitor your progress by retesting your labs every 3-6 months and collaborating with your care team on your progress.

Primary care,
made better

A revolutionary care approach for people who want more from their healthcare–more support, respect, and access.

What makes Hoag Compass better?

In traditional primary care, you only see your doctor once a year. But you need someone to manage your health 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

At Hoag Compass, we’re committed to providing better care that’s always within your reach. Our dedicated care team is available around the clock, ready to address your everyday health needs and help you achieve your long-term goals.

Our program is supported by Hoag Health System, the highest-ranked hospital in Orange County, according to US News & World Report (2023-2024).

More tests
for better results

We test more than your annual physical. Uncover your optimal ranges for 100+ unique biomarkers and get a 360-degree view of your overall health.

Heart Health

Learn about your total cholesterol, Apo(b), Lp(a), and more to better assess your risk for cardiovascular diseases.

Immune Regulation & Inflammation

Measure your glucose, Hs-CRP, and insulin to manage triggers and find relief.

Blood Health

Uncover your blood cell counts and iron levels to monitor your risk of circulatory diseases and diabetes.

DNA Testing

Examine the relationship between nutrition, diet, and genetics to get ahead of your disease risk.

Stress Regulation

By testing your cortisol levels, see how much stress you’re under and make changes to manage it.

Liver Health

Monitor your liver function by measuring various substances and minerals secreted by your liver.

Thyroid Health

Determine your TSH, T3, and T4 to manage common thyroid conditions better.


Measure your levels for essential vitamins such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, and folate.


Assess how your body converts food into energy with a snapshot of your organ health, blood sugar, and electrolyte levels.

Kidney Health

See how your kidneys are working to filter blood and pass more proteins.

Get more for
$99 per month

A one-of-a-kind program that addresses your health needs through a data-driven, individualized approach. Don’t wait. Get started today for only $99 per month.

Commercial insurance is accepted, but it does not cover membership fees. If you have questions, please take a look at the FAQ section.

Begin your
journey to wellness

Please contact us to learn the benefits of being a Hoag Compass member.

Phone number: (949) 557-0951
Clinic hours: 8 AM to 5 PM PST
Care team hours: 8 AM to 6 PM PST