Customized Rehabilitation Services
Comprehensive, individualized outpatient rehabilitation services at Hoag include:
- Physical therapy: Improves strength, flexibility, gait and balance
- Occupational therapy: Improves upper limb function related to daily activities such as hygiene, dressing, home management and writing
- Speech therapy: Improves clarity and volume level of speech
Hoag also offers specialized programs for evaluating and treating swallowing problems that often accompany PD, supervised exercise and communication classes such as LSVT™ Big and Loud, and driving assessments to ensure safety on the road.
Maintaining balance and flexibility are two key elements that help patients feel better and move more freely. Both are generously addressed through Hoag’s comprehensive physical and occupational therapy programs, which offer targeted therapies in gait and balance treatment, including fall-prevention training for patients with difficulty walking.
Find out more information on Hoag’s Rehabilitation Services.