ViewRay MRIdian™ Linear Accelerator

The ViewRay MRIdian™ linear accelerator is the most advanced radiation treatment available in the United States. Through the generosity of community donors Dean and Gerda Koontz, Hoag was the second in California to acquire the MRIdian, and 16th in the nation. Hoag is the first and only cancer center in Orange County to offer this advanced radiation oncology.

Unlike conventional linear accelerators, the ViewRay MRIdian utilizes MRI imaging in combination with a linear accelerator, which allows Hoag clinicians to obtain real-time, high resolution images of a patient’s tumor during treatment. If the tumor has shifted from movement in the bowels, or by a patient’s breath, radiation delivery stops to avoid radiating healthy tissue. This level of precision allows Hoag clinicians to deliver a higher, potentially more effective, radiation dose while sparing healthy surrounding tissue, decreasing side effects.

Traditionally, CT scans are taken before radiation treatment to help clinicians map out where to align the radiation beam during treatment sessions. This type of imaging, however, does not usually take into account the normal functions of the body such as breathing or movement in the gastrointestinal tract, which can cause the tumor and/or normal tissues and organs to move from day to day throughout treatment. As a result, the healthy surrounding tissue are at a high risk of being damaged in the process. With MRI imaging, Hoag clinicians can deliver targeted radiation, usually in fewer sessions, while sparing healthy surrounding tissue.

The ViewRay MRIdian also allows Hoag clinicians to more precisely and effectively treat tumors of the abdomen, like the pancreas, liver and prostate. The MRI imaging provides high quality soft tissue definition, providing a clear treatment area.

Speak with a Hoag Radiation Oncologist to see if this type of radiation therapy is right for you. Call 877-827-6351 for a consultation.