Laparoscopic Liver Surgery

Laparoscopic hepatectomy is a minimally invasive procedure in which the liver is partially resected via several small incisions instead of one large one.

Laparoscopic surgery provides many potential advantages compared to conventional surgery, including:

Less risk of complications, such as post-operative infection, blood loss and blood transfusions

  • Less pain and scarring
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Faster recovery, enabling a quicker return to normal activities

During the procedure, a laparoscope (a narrow tube with a camera) is inserted through one small incision. This allows the surgeon to see the liver via a high definition monitor. Several thin instruments are inserted through additional small incisions in order to remove the area of the liver where the tumor is located, along with a margin of healthy surrounding tissue.

Beyond standard laparoscopic techniques, Hoag-USC surgeons utilize new technologies to overcome the limitations of traditional laparoscopic surgery. Innovative technologies such as laparoscopic hand-access devices allow Hoag-USC surgeons to place their hand into the abdomen during a laparoscopic surgery and perform many of the precise functions of the hand that were previously possible only during open surgery.