Gynecologic Cancer Clinical Trials & Research

Research & Clinical Trials Available in Orange County

Hoag is committed to leading the way in state-of-the-art technologies and advanced treatment options. Part of this commitment includes groundbreaking clinical research with the goal of helping patients live longer, healthier lives. Our Cancer Research Program is currently involved in over 100 different trials. These trials focus on immunotherapy, cell therapy, molecular therapy and radiation therapy. As a matter of fact, Hoag was the first hospital in Orange County to offer cell therapy for solid tumors.

Hoag’s Cell Therapy Program will conduct several cell therapy clinical trials, contributing to the development of promising new therapies for some of cancer’s most advanced diseases.

Hoag’s Molecular Imaging & Therapy Program is the only program of its kind in Orange County that builds upon Hoag’s personalized, science-based approach to cancer care. Hoag is helping pioneer the most sensitive imaging methods to date advancing research and applications of molecular imaging and therapy in the treatment of cancer patients. These trials are expected to play a significant role in cancer detection, individualized treatment and drug development. The future of cancer detection and therapy is offered today at Hoag.

Through carefully planned clinical trials, researchers evaluate the safety and effectiveness of new ways to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases or conditions. Treatments studied in clinical trials might be new drugs or new combinations of drugs, new surgical procedures or devices, or new ways to use existing treatments.

Below are links to our current gynecologic cancer clinical trials. Contact us to see if a trial is right for you by calling 949-536-7332

At Hoag, our clinical research team is committed to excellence in research and a continuing commitment to protect the interests and well-being of patients.