Janet Batt, RN, MA, CNS, PMGT-BC
- Clinical Nurse Specialist
Janet Batt RN, MA, CNS, PMGT-BC, has been working as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Palliative care since 2000. She has practiced Palliative Care in Hospice, Hospital and in the community. Originally from London England, (where Palliative care originated) she has certifications in Oncology, HIV, teaching and assessing, Clinical Ethics and a Diploma in palliative care. She studied advanced pain and symptom control at Oxford University and has a master’s degree in Thanatology. Janet has been at Hoag since February 2008 and specializes in symptom management. She is ANCC Board Certified in Pain Management and served as hospital Ethics Committee Coordinator for eight years.
Janet’s main roles are nursing and staff education for all Hoag facilities and staff support for patients at end of life to ensure utmost comfort and dignity. She promotes the use of up-to-date practices, innovations and evidenced based care at those at end of life.